The Sports Goods Manufacturers and Exporters Association (SGMEA) is a registered body of the sports goods manufacturers. Though the membership of the Association is limited to about 65 firms, they are the leading exporters of sport equipments and have a share of nearly 70% of the export from the country and have more than 50% home market as well to their credit.
The Association members, predominantly from Jalandhar, lead in manufacturing technology for sports goods and some are manufacture of world class equipment. The Association has a full time office executive, who coordinates various activities of the Association. SGMEA regularly conduct interactive meets, seminars and workshops on technology and market related issues. The Association publishes a house journal named Voice which contains valuable information about the sports industry. This is widely circulated to all Sports Federations, Associations, Foreign Embassies in India and to all Indian Embassies and Consulates overseas. SGMEA has been identified as a nodal cluster level institution for the development of Jalandhar sports goods cluster, keeping in view the capacity of its members to excel.
The Associations undertakes training of workers for various sports goods, conducts seminars relating to latest export techniques, CE marking for protective equipments, ISO standards and workshops on various technologies for sports goods and conduct studies for wood, polymer and composite based sports goods.